Well D did call! She's getting to be very predictable!! I love being able to talk to her a few times a week and sometimes we don't talk about the baby at all. We're just two girls who have a lot of things to talk about! I'm sure that she is concerned that our conversations will end after the baby is born but I hope they don't. I never want her to feel like I want her to go away after we take the baby home. That is not fair. I can imagine that she might need some space after the birth and I will understand and respect her feelings. I have told her that we will always be connected and she will always have us to call. I will let her know that her and G are important to us but we will let them decide how much phone contact they want with us. We don't want to make anything more difficult for them and they may choose less contact. We will have to be OK with that.
D wanted to know if we had picked a name for the baby. She told me that her and G do not want to name her. I think they are trying hard to not form too many emotional attachments to the child. I told her what we were planning on naming Little Roo and I think she liked it. I would have liked to see the expression on her face, just as I'm sure she would have liked to have seen my face when she said "You are having a little girl!" but that's not always possible. I explained that Little Roo will have two birth certificates. The first will have D and G's name on it and their name for the baby, if they choose one. The second one will be issued after finalization and will have my and Bill's name on it and Little Roo's name. I assured her that they wouldn't be erased from the birth certificate and I think she needed to know that. So perhaps they will choose to use our name that we picked for Little Roo to save confusion down the road. If they decide to choose a special name for her, that will be great too. We will have to wait and see.
D is going to have a c-section. We've known that, we've talked about it a few times. That is why I hope they are moved back here again (which they are still planning) because I know she will have good care. She asked me what I wanted to do at the hospital. Me??? My dear, you are the one having a baby! I told her that we can make a plan together of what she wants and we will go with that. I also said if she decides now that she wants us there at the hospital a lot, spending time with them and the baby together but then changes her mind when it is actually happening, that is OK. We will not be upset or angry and that we will understand that emotions are running high and we will give her the space that she needs. I said she will only be able to take one person with her to hold her hand and talk to her while the c-section is being done. She said "I'm not going to be awake!!" So maybe no one will be there with her if she is completely knocked out!
Technically there are 80 days left until D's due date. I can only assume that they are going to schedule her earlier than that. How much earlier, I don't know? She has a doctor's appointment this Friday and promised to let me know how it goes. I did tell D that if she went into labor anytime between now and whenever, we'd be on our way to her in a hurry. She liked that. I don't think she realized that we would drop everything to come be with her. Speaking of which... must talk to grandparents-to-be about taking Biscuit if the situation arises.
D and G are out on second interviews for jobs this afternoon. D is working part-time because one, she said she is getting huge, and two, G won't let her work full-time! I talked to G today too and he assured me he is taking very good care of her. He's not letting her lift anything or do anything remotely strenuous. He cooks for her and makes sure her diet is healthy. He is very sweet - they are so good together!