Well... what a difference a year makes!!

We are all feeling much better, so we headed out to go see Santa and follow that up with a treat of frozen yogurt - yum!!! It was 82 degrees here today - not the kind of weather for dressing up in tights and a Christmas dress. LOL!
At least the photographers took 3 pictures and we could pick the best one. The first one, Meg had a look of absolute horror to be sitting with these people. The second one was a little better, but she still wasn't looking all that convinced that this was a good idea (flash back to the pumpkin patch picture). This was the third one after they talked to her for a bit and said they had a piece of candy for her. Did someone say "Candy"??? All is right with the world now!!
Meg is off all breathing treatments - we have them on standby to make it through the winter just in case. They made her so stinking hyper and we were doing them per orders of every 4-6 hours. She stopped sleeping!!!! My good sleeper, who usually sleeps 10-11 hours at night, was only sleeping 1 hour (or less) at a time and then she was up, ready to play! Even at 2am. She was like this for 2 nights and then we got smart.
She has a third tooth on the bottom now (on the right, next to the center two)! It came in last week in the middle of her sickness. AND at her followup appt on Tuesday, the doctor said one of her molars is coming in on the bottom left. Holy cow - poor kid!