Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Quiet Times

I know... I haven't posted much lately. I've been trying to keep myself busy with a million sewing projects of my own. Most are gifts that I want to get done before Little Roo gets here. On the other hand, I am realising how many weekends we have left child-free and there is so much left to do!

D and G both have new jobs, so I haven't talked to them in a few days. Things are busy for them and I'm happy they are doing well. They did check in with their social worker yesterday and had some really nice things to say. D thanked the social worker for presenting us to her and G. Apparently D is so thrilled that they found us and even G, who was somewhat pessimistic about the whole adoption process at the beginning, couldn't be happier! D and G had a conversation about if they should buy us a baby gift or not and D said "Don't you think the baby is a pretty good present already?"

They think they are lucky to have found us. We think we are the lucky ones! All around, this was God's plan. We both happened to be at the right place at the right time. We found each other because it was the right plan. If any little thing would have gone differently, we would not be at this moment today, dreaming about a sweet baby girl that we can't wait to meet.

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