My mom is finishing the velcro tabs that hold the bumpers on to the crib. She decided to make more when she brought the bedding over and we set it up. The pattern was to have one set in the middle of each long side, but we think it is more secure to have two sets on each long side. Sewing the flower tabs on is the last thing we have to do!

Here's the "inside" of the crib.... I'm in love!!

Mom made this organizer for the side of the bed, and later when we have the bed set up for a toddler, it hangs in the inside and can hold little toys. I have all my burp pads and tiny socks in the pockets.

Originally the crib came with this slide out drawer for storage, but it was not made very well, very flimsy, it definitely was not going to last very long. My amazing brother made a new drawer and put it on wheels so it slides out easy! Look how pretty the bed skirt turned out!

Of course, I had to get the new drawer ready and loaded! Blankets, extra sheets, and the Bum Genius diaper stash!

My mom put the same flowers from the bumper tabs on the organizer above and the hanging diaper stacker! It has disposables in it... we decided that in the first week to get through the meconium poo's, we're going to use throw away. It also looks like we have a high probability of traveling for the delivery and I'm not toting dirty cloth diapers back home! I took half out of the package and they are so darn tiny!

We are ready with our "real" newborn diapers.... these are Kissaluv fitteds in size zero. This picture just makes me smile...

You really can't tell from this picture, but the changing pad is pink with tiny polka dots on it. Mom made the cover like a pillow case so we can take it off and wash it.

I'm still toying with the idea of setting up a changing station on top of our washing machine in the laundry room. Easy access to the washer! LOL
Here's my baby carrier stash... and it is still growing! I have quite a few Hotslings, one Peanut Shell, and one Lucky Baby pouch. Down in the bottom is one Angel Pack MT, one Kozy MT, and several Ball Baby Overalls. I have learned how to make the BBO's, so I have 3 or so in progress right now at my sewing machine. I have 2 wraps, a Moby and a Gypsy Mama. I'm convinced you can't have enough of these around!

Bill asked me the other day "So how many clothes does such a tiny person need?". I told him "Please don't look in Little Roo's closet!".

Actually it looks like a lot but I have 4-5 things in each size and I have bought everything on sale so far! Things I have bought at a really good price right now while the fall clothes are coming out are in sizes for her to wear next summer. I'm trying not to go too heavy on the pink!!
As promised long ago, here are the Amby bed pictures. We have this set up in our room.

Bill wants to know if these make these for big people....

Here's a peek at the inside. Those white things are the positioners for small babies so they feel all snug and cozy. I think this is the toy that we are going to take Little Roo's picture with periodically so we can watch her grow. He is watching over the bed until it is occupied!

It looks great, Jenn. But I have to agree with your husband - that's a lot of clothes. :) I don't blame you though, it's hard to resist those itty-bitty clothes.
Everything is soooooo gorgeous!!!!
I'm jealous of all your carriers. ;)
Hi, I came a cross your blog when looking for image results for Bumgenius diapers. I found the pictures of the nursery and baby goods soo adorable! Congrats on the baby. I'm interested to know - which of the diapers did you prefer, the Bumgenius or the Kissaluvs?
The Kissaluvs definitely were our favorite was the baby was so tiny and she wore them until about 8 weeks or so. The just seemed to fit her really well and contain all the stuff! Then we switched over to BG, which we're still wearing today at 7 months. They just seemed to be too gappy on the smallest rise when her legs were still really skinny!
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