Friday, November 30, 2007
4 Weeks Old Today!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was a little crazy around here as we hosted both families at our house. Considering we had just been home for week, it was a little much. I said there is NO way we are having Christmas here, but the more of a routine we get into, the easier it is so I might be changing my mind. A lot of it right now depends on what my work group decides to do about the Christmas holiday. If I am holding down the fort for my group, we are not going anywhere.
Speaking of work.... I made it (almost) through my first week of working at home! It's been a bit crazy at times, but we're making it work. Meaghan is still sleeping a lot, so that is good. She has a knack for wanting to be fed at key times when there is a complete meltdown at work.
It's Friday so it's picture day around here! Before I get too far behind.... here are Meaghan's 3 week pictures.... I'm going to try and keep everyone updated better now that we are little more settled.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
New Pictures!
Here's the new pictures of Meaghan. Enjoy!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I'm Such A Slacker!!
I'm not doing a good job keeping up my blog!!! I know you all are checking in for new pictures and updates. I'm sorry!!
We're doing great! Meaghan is a really good baby and we're able to figure out what she wants pretty easily. My mom spent the week here giving me a hand. I hope to get into more of a routine now that the steady stream of visitors has slowed down a bit and we can catch our breath finally. It's still a little strange to be home with her but I wouldn't trade this for anything in the entire world.
I have some new pictures that I need to post to our gallery and I will post the link when those are ready!
Meaghan had her 2 week peds appt yesterday and she is up to 8 lbs, 5 oz and is now 21.5 inches long. Where is my tiny girl going??
Monday, November 12, 2007
We're Home!!
We've had a steady stream of visitors and the grandparents have all been over to meet their new granddaughter. It was so fun to see them meet her for the first time and hold her.
It's quite an adjustment being home with a new baby. It was so different being in Iowa and the only thing we had to do was take care of the baby. Now, as predicted, there is a million things to do but the only thing I want to do is snuggle my sweet little angel.
I will do more updates and pictures when we are more settled into life at home!!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Officially Ours!
Meaghan had a peds appointment this morning and she got a clean bill of health! She regained back to her birth weight and then some. She's gained 6 ounces since Monday!! She's now up to 7 pounds, 9 ounces. Yep - we have been up feeding her at night!! It's been fine... we try to feed her late, around midnight or so. Then she only gets up once to eat and then she is up around 7 am again. It's working out well and honestly, there is nothing else I'd rather be doing at 3am than feeding our little munchkin!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Belly Buttons!
I checked her diaper to see if she needed to be changed, and when I was sticking her velcro tabs back down, something looked different. I thought maybe I had covered her little belly button stump by accident so I un-did the tabs again. Then... I saw it.... a real belly button! There was no little stump there! I freaked out, thinking we had torn it off by accident, but I looked and nothing was irritated or bloody, so it must have fallen off on it's own. Later I stripped Meaghan down and found her little stump in the bottom of her footie outfit. It is very dry.... so yep, it was just ready to come off. It's sitting here on the table and we're not sure what to do with it, although we will probably trash it. I can't imagine keeping it, but we keep looking at it!
Meaghan has a ped appt tomorrow morning. I wonder if she has gained back to her birth weight. She was only down 3 ounces at discharge on Monday. I also want to get a letter that she is healthy to travel in case the airline cares. She is going to be at least a week old, so I doubt anyone will bother us. We bought a bunch of fancy chocolates for the staff at the hospital that helped us and we will go up for a quick visit after seeing the doctor. I hope they will enjoy having some special treats and it will give us another opportunity to thank them for being so accomodating to us.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Iowa Approval Today!
Today we had a big day! We had our first dunk in the kitchen sink! We went out to the grocery store.... big stuff!! The attorney called to let us know that Iowa received the ICPC packet this morning and have approved it. They are sending it to Florida tomorrow, which means our state will have it Friday morning. We just might get approval to go home Friday afternoon! However, we are going to spend some time with H before we go home, so we aren't in a hurry to leave town just yet. I am also going to be a little picky about our return flights home so we don't end up killing ourselves. I also have a little dream about flying home first class.... LOL! I think the latest we will get approval would be Monday, unless there is a question that comes up of course. We hope it will all go smoothly!
Meaghan and I are off to the recliner to enjoy some late night kisses and cuddles.... wanted to get the link up to the new pictures.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
24 Hours
I've been wanting to update my blog but I literally have my hands full with the baby. She is soooo good and very easy, but I just can't put her down! She's eating 2 ounces every 3 hours. I can set a clock by it! She's just so sweet and cuddly - we can't get enough of her!
Last night was good too. We fed her pretty close to 11:45pm and then we were up at 2:30am, 5:30am, and then 8:45am. I can honestly say that my job has done a great job of preparing me for baby nights... LOL! There was absolutely nothing else I'd rather be doing at 2:30 in the morning than feeding our sweet angel.
We've been talking to social worker L on a regular basis. She has been checking in with H and relayed to us that she is doing very well. It is hard for her but she expected it and when she is feeling sad, she talks about it, makes phone calls and gets the support that she needs. H called me this evening and she sounded great! I am able to tell when she is really tired or not feeling well, but she really sounded like herself. She went to the mall today with a few of her cousins and getting out was great for her. She felt so much better than sitting at home.
We have been thinking about her, she has been thinking about us. She was going to call last night and then fell asleep early and then thought it was a little too late to call us. She also said that she wanted us to have a full 24 hours of being a new family. Even though this is an emotional and hard journey, it really is a time of great joy! We are going to be meeting with H this weekend, probably for brunch on Sunday. We're going to talk on the phone many more times before then. I told her that we are family now and she is stuck with us! She said "Thank you!!! I wouldn't want it any other way!"
I have more pictures here from when we were discharged from the hospital yesterday. The pink and blue blanket is the same blanket that I came home from the hospital with!
One more thing.... thank you everyone for the amazing support you have given us. We know that we would not be here without all your prayers and good thoughts! I appreciate all of your sweet comments and we will cherish them always!!!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Our Greatest Joy!

See more pictures of Meaghan Marie here.
The papers are signed. The attorney said it went extremely well, H was very adament about her decision. H said that she will call me tonight to check in on us. She is so amazing!
We have been discharged from the hospital and now at "home" in our hotel, enjoying our new daughter!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Quick Check-In
We got there at 8 am, H had us come get the baby so we could feed her and spend some time with her while H was getting showered and ready to go home. Baby had her newborn screen at 10:30 and we went back to spend a little time with H. We gave her a necklace and talked, cried, hugged. We went down the cafeteria to get a bite and I just cried and cried and cried. I could just not get a grasp on how I was supposed to be happy for us when we knew someone else's heart was breaking. I know that everyone that saw us assumed that we just found out someone died.... they would have been surprised to hear me say "We have a new baby!".
H said that she wanted an hour or so alone with her to say her good-byes. We said we wanted her to take as much time as she needed and we worked out that she would call me when she was ready to have us come back. She said it was important to her that she hand her to us when she leaves.
We went the capital for a while and took pictures of the changing leaves and the grounds around the building. It is a very beautiful area. We didn't want to go too far since we knew when H got up enough courage to want to leave, we did not want to prolong that.
H called a little after 1pm and said she was ready, as ready as she was going to be. We prepared ourselves for what was about to happen. H gave the baby lots of kisses and cuddles. We took many pictures together. She handed the baby to me and we spent a few minutes, creating a special bond, gazing at the miracle in front of us. H said that she feels so good about what she was doing and that we were going to be amazing parents. She is so excited for us!
And when she was ready, she left. H is so strong. I have no idea how she is keeping it together. We were alone with the baby and all we can do is stare at her. For the rest of today, we have fed her, changed her, sang to her, talked to her, everything. She is soooo beautiful! We fed her a late bottle, changed a full diaper (yikes!), and rocked her to sleep before wheeling her back to the nursery for the night. The nurse we have been working with was able to work out getting the baby to stay in the nursery an extra night...all the prayers are being answered! All the nurses stop us and tell us how they love the baby's hair and how good she is. She never cries... but I'm sure that will change!
We will back at the hospital tomorrow morning to meet with the pediatrician during rounds. The lawyer said we should be discharged around 2pm and then they are meeting H at 2:30 for her to sign the papers. So we still have a few steps to go.
All I can think about is the baby and H. I hope H is happy to be back home, back in her own bed. I hope that she is able to get some good rest tonight. She is surrounded by her family and friends that love her. We met so many of them in the last few days and they are wonderful. They have all looked through the photo album that we made for H with all our pictures. Everyone feels that they know us... I am thrilled that she is sharing so much. I hope that tomorrow is not too painful for her and that she is still able to follow through. I hope that it gets a bit better each day.
Please continue to keep H in your prayers. She is an amazing woman and I am better person for knowing her. There are some big steps still left... please keep good thoughts for us.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Updated Stats!
Born Friday, November 2nd at 2:08pm Central time
7 pounds, 6 ounces
19.5 inches long
I just got off the phone with H... she sounds very tired. We offered to bring her some "real" food for dinner, but she is doing well with the hospital menu. She has had a steady stream of visitors after we left and she is hoping for a quiet night tonight. I told her that absolutely would not turn down any time with the baby, but she keeps telling us that this is her last night with baby girl and we do not want to interfere on her time. We think it is important for her to say goodbye on her terms. She reassured me several times that just because she is spending time with the baby, she is not waivering in her decision. She is just using the time that she has wisely. The last thing we want to do is make her feel that she has to entertain us because she needs her rest. H also said that after meeting us today and seeing how Bill just melted when she gave him the baby, she knows that she is doing the best thing.
The hospital has been great to us. They offered to set up a private room for us tonight so we could spend some time with the baby. Again, we're letting H finish her time alone. I talked to the social worker and the nurse, and Bill and I will be going to the hospital first thing tomorrow morning to start our bonding time. That was their recommendation. I'm pretty tired but I don't know that I will sleep too well. I'm nervous, no doubt about that. I don't want to get too attached. H will not sign any of her papers until Monday afternoon. H has said that she wants us to start bonding with the baby too.
H is being released tomorrow. It is a little up in the air about what is going to be done with the baby. Again, the nurses have been great... they know who we are and they are going to talk with the doctor to see if he can sign off on keeping the baby an extra night and release her on Monday. H does not want to walk out of the hospital with the baby and I cannot blame her. There is just no way she would be able to hand her to us in the parking lot and I would NEVER ask her to do that. This should not be any more difficult than it needs to be. H said she needs to walk out with her mom and frankly I would not be able to watch her handing us the baby. We are going to work on this tomorrow morning with the staff.... I know that we have been asking for a lot of prayers from everyone lately, please pray that we can work something out with the hospital to keep H's wishes.
Back From The Hospital!
H is wonderful, amazing, so open and honest. We really felt that we could be ourselves. She told us over and over that she is doing the right thing, she will not change her mind. I want to trust her 100% but I just can't completely let myself go. She understands that. H has been spending a lot of time with the baby and I am very glad that she wants to. I think it is important and we are giving her as much time and space as she wants. We spent about 2.5 hours together and she had a few visitors coming and we left so she could spend time alone with them. She said she was going to get a steady stream of visitors because they all know that the baby isn't going home with her and if they wanted to see her, today was the day.
As for the baby girl.... she is beautiful! H was not lying about her having lots of dark hair... oh my! She has dark blue eyes right now and we'll see with time what the end color is. She has blonde eye lashes, so H thinks that her hair will probably turn much lighter eventually. Her skin is a little scaley since she was definitely full term and her little hands are tiny. She has very long toes and big feet for her size. Her nose is still a little squished to the side, but I think she is perfect just the way she is. Bill and I just kept passing her back and forth. Everyone just stares at her.
We made our run to Target for supplies and now we are going to go eat. I haven't had much to eat today - surprise! It just doesn't seem very important right now. LOL I'm more nervous than I'm admitting to myself.
I'm still pretty overwhelmed right now. I'm sure I'll think of more later...
Didn't Sleep!
The first night in a new bed is always an adventure. I did not sleep too well. I'm obviously very excited about today, but I just couldn't get comfortable and I was tired! I'm used to my sleep number bed and the memory foam topper! The bed here is nice and all... but it's a spring coil and it will take me a few days to get used to it. I'm soooo spoiled!
The water here is very different... I'm sure the hotel has some uber water softener because I used way too much shampoo and had to rinse, rinse, rinse. It's going to be a wacky hair day but it is what it is. Our room is very clean.... but I'm feeling a compulsion to clean it more. My own version of nesting maybe? A few Lysol wipes will do the trick. I didn't get to the store this morning... Bill took the car to drive over the trail. I wasn't in the mood for scrambling around either. So we will go later today.
Jonathan stayed at our house with the pets last night. I wonder if Biscuit tried to crawl in bed with him... she is very sneaky! He is going to take them back to his place today.
Wow... it's been a nutty 24 hours! Who knew? I have to say for both plane rides, I was pretty catatonic and just staring off into space. I had my MP3 with me, but I listened to it for probably 18 minutes at the most. I also had a Sudoko book and a brand-new copy of "Eat, Pray, Love" with me and didn't touch either. And for future reference, a 59 minute layover in Detroit is NOT enough time to make a connecting flight. I have to pay attention to this on the way back home because we were really booking it. The car seat was empty and flying around and we barely made it with a fast bathroom break.
When we got to Iowa, the baggage handlers were not in a hurry to unload the luggage very quickly so I went and got the rental car at the counter. I had reserved a compact knowing that I would probably upgrade if asked because it is much cheaper that way instead of reserving that ahead of time. Yes, I was taking a huge chance, but I didn't even think at the time I called yesterday to at least think that we needed a 4 door with the car seat. I'm not used to traveling with a child obviously. The young guy at the counter told me that he was sorry, but that he had to give me a free upgrade to a mid-size because they only have 2 compact cars, and both were out. LOL! He was afraid that I was going to get upset having to buy more gas! So we have a Malibu.
Social worker L just called and was asking about the stats on the baby. Aside from the weight and what color her hair is, I have no idea how long she is or what time she was born! I will get those details today and let you all know!! H has arranged for us to get our hospital bracelets today which will give us unlimited access into the nursery. That is very sweet of her!
Have I mentioned that Bill is absolutely jumping out of his skin??
Friday, November 2, 2007
We're In Iowa!!
H left me a message approximately when we were flying over Chicago. She did have a baby girl, 7 pounds, 6 ounces, "really cute", "really sweet", has "lots and lots and lots of dark hair". We can't wait to meet her! H said the baby's nose is squished to one side and her face was pretty swollen from sitting in the birth canal for so long. She was really worried about this but the doctors assured her that she was perfectly normal and she will be just fine. H said she is absolutely beautiful and I said that we never had any doubts! Baby is in the nursery and I'm sure that she is being well taken care of.
I called H back when we arrived at the airport and we agreed to meet tomorrow. She is exhausted but unable to sleep, the nurses probably just gave her an Ambien 30 minutes ago. I said that we wanted her to get some rest and we can come in the morning, but we wanted her to know that we made it here. She said she wants to be "perfect" to meet us tomorrow and she will be more like herself tomorrow after a shower and make-up. Like we aren't going to be doing the same thing before going to the hospital tomorrow!
Bill is going running first thing in the morning, I'm going to head to the Super Target to get supplies for our suite. It's nice and clean and we need food, stuff like that. I've been making a ton of phone calls trying to keep everyone informed. If you haven't heard from me, I'm sorry! It's nothing personal.
I'm going to unpack and organize all our stuff. And then I'm going to go to bed. Bill has already crashed out in the recliner in front of the TV!!
Little Roo Is Coming Today!!
We have a flight out at 3:30 and should be there 8pm-ish. OMG
Labor Time!
H's mom is going to call me after she is checked to see if she is being admitted or sent back home. I really think they are going to keep her.
I really had no idea what to say.... but I did tell her that I hoped they can give her the epidural soon so she can get some sleep!!!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
40 Weeks!
No Halloween baby... Little Roo said "No way" to an October birthday! That's OK. There are some of the best birthdays in November. My cousin Michelle's birthday is this weekend. My grandmother, who passed away almost 2 years ago, was a November birthday too! So it's a great month to have a baby!
My dad is flying up to visit my other grandmother today and will be there through the weekend. He tells me if we happen to be up north for the big day before he comes back, he will change his plans to come visit. I feel bad.... he is coming home on Sunday and I don't know that we will traveling before then!
I read only one magazine last night and then I crashed out on the couch. No, I wasn't in a sugar coma, I actually did very well with the chocolate temptations through the night. I was just tired and Bill was watching some 6 hour ghost show on the Sci Fi channel! What is left of the candy is in our freezer... a little treat now and then is not a bad idea, I just don't want a big bowl of it looking at me!
I'm going to give H a ring later today and leave her a message if she doesn't answer. She is probably sick of people calling and asking "Have you had that baby yet??" and I can't say that I would blame her. So I'll say the usual... thinking of you!!
Guess Little Roo doesn't want to wear Auntie Katherine's sheep dog outfit for Halloween. Now she will be Thanksgiving puppy and a Christmas puppy instead. If it's cold enough in January, she will be a Disney Marathon puppy too! I took pictures of it anyway... here it is...