Picking up the race packets, Meg knew something fun was going to happen! I expected her to take a nap in the car on the way over... she did not. She was much more interested in playing with Jon in the backseat.

At the Conservation Station, after riding the train out there.
Almost recreating the unassisted steps!
What does one do when meeting Pocahontas for the very first time? We put her down to get some crawling time in on the carpeted floor... she decided to lay and roll instead.
Ahhh.... two princesses, as cute as can be!
Mickey Mouse ice cream bar - yummy!!
"What do you mean there's no more?"
The start of the Expedition Everest Challenge.
Part of the obstacle course... Jon on the left, Bill on the right.
"We finished!" Their official race time was 58:25.
Our room at the Animal Kingdom Lodge was excellent - and we had animals outside the window! Meg was so excited that we let her be out on the patio in her monkey jammies. Such a little mop top!
The wild kingdom outside our room! It was so quiet... so amazing.
We found rocking chairs - Meg was all over it!
Literally... our little monkey!