So now Meg has not two teeth coming in on the top, but three! The two front ones and one more on her top left. She has good moments and bad.... but at least with all of them coming in at once, it's not all drawn out! There's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Serious cheese!

I'm not sure what this look is for, but it sure makes me laugh!

What a little munchkin!

She would not sit still long enough for me to fix her hair, so Meg is rocking the "hair fountain" or "Pebbles" style! She's going to kill me when she gets older...
No walking yet but she's feeling pretty stable on her feet. She can stand by herself for a few seconds and when she chooses to do it, it's always by surprise (like in the bathtub). We're also working on getting away from the bottles, but with the teeth coming in, it's not a great time. She likes chewing on the nipple way too much right now so we're putting that on hold. She is doing well with her cups, just not wanting to give them up completely!
1 comment:
I so look forward to seeing new Pics of her. She is absolutely adorable. I love the one where she is showing her bottom teeth - Like "Hey, see what I did" Cut cute cute
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