Sunday evening, we called both sets of parents to tell them our adoption plans. I think everyone was very happy and excited for us. By the time Bill's mom got off the phone, she was positively giddy with the prospect of being a grandmother.
Our VERY large packet of information arrived in the mail yesterday. It is quite overwhelming to just dive into but if we follow the steps as outlined to us, we can do this in baby steps. One thing at a time....
We have to get through the book they sent first and then we have to get our home study application and fee off. The plan is do a little at a time, each day!! We were contacted that our home equity line of credit application was conditionally approved. I had to send in a mortgage statement and they are working on that in the background and hopefully that will close at the beginning of the year.
I filled up my glass at the fridge and saw Harley nestled up under the tree.... the Christmas Kitty! She was so cute, I had to take a picture!

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