Our "feelings" about Little Roo were correct!! We are beyond excited!
The conference call with the birth parents went extremely well. The social worker asked if everyone was nervous. 'D' said she was a little nervous and I said "Well, I'm a lot nervous!". Everyone laughed and that really lightened the mood from the beginning.
The call wasn't very long but I did get to say how grateful I was to the both of them and that we are here to support them. The birthfather 'G' had a very important question that he wanted to ask and we talked about that issue and our answer put him at ease. It was very funny because I heard G say some of the very same things that Bill was just talking to me about the night before. I had thought from the beginning when we had first received the birthparent's file that Bill and G had very similar interests. This really put a smile on my face.
'D' did say that she had another doctor's appointment just this last Tuesday and she had more ultrasound pictures for us. The first set are much better, she said. I told her that I was thrilled that she was wanting to share those with us because I wanted to add them to the scrapbook that we are keeping. Then D said "You guys are having a little girl" and I literally couldn't say a word. Bill jumped in with a "That's wonderful!" and we both had the biggest smiles on our faces!
We chatted a bit more and we agreed to exchange cell numbers. We weren't so sure that we were going to want to do this in the beginning until we knew them better, but as the call progressed, we thought it was a good time. 'D' gave me hers first and said that I should feel free to call her anytime. Then I looked at Bill and I know that he was comfortable with giving out our info. Now they know that we live at least in the same area code as they do as before, they only knew that we were in the same state. I said they can call us anytime for even the smallest little thing. 'D' wants to talk on the phone a few more times before she wants to agree to a face-to-face meeting. I think that it completely fine and we have plenty of time for that.
I will probably call in the middle of next week to say that we were thinking of her, unless we hear from her first! I definately don't want to come off too pushy and will let her set the pace. Hopefully we can build a good relationship, even if it is just over the phone, because I think it is best for the baby. I want to be able to tell HER all about her birth parents and what wonderful people they are. She will know how much they love her!
Thank you to everyone that was wishing us good luck on our call today!! We truly appreciate the love and support everyone gives to us.
Oh wow, Jenn, a girl. Congrats. You and your husband must be so thrilled. I hope your relationship with your Emom continues to grow.
Thanks Robyn! We're pretty excited about the whole thing! LOL Get reading that manual and filling out your APQ... if you have any questions, you know where to find me! :)
I will start reading as soon as we get the packet in the mail - they said next week some time. And I'm sure I'll have questions at some point. Thanks. So are y'all going to put the nursery together or wait a bit?
All that we still really need is a crib. Other than that, we think our furniture issue is closed! I'm sure I'll start looking around trying to find a deal. They are not cheap!!
Congrads Jenny!
If you are looking for baby furniture 'used' try Once Upon a Child located at Kings and Lumsden.
My DH and I got our crib there for $225.00 and it is top notch condition
Thanks Lindsay!! We eat sushi at the restaurant right next door but I've never been in there! I've been watching craigslist but I'll stop in there first.
I love Yohammas.
I can not wait till I am able to eat sushi again
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