After I wrote about our week one wait, I was feeling very settled and ready for the long journey ahead. I wrote in adoption journal and planned to write a page each week with what we had accomplished the previous week towards getting ready for baby. I finished the cushions for my brother's couch.
Wednesday I was at work and keeping up with the daily grind. I went to a late lunch with a co-worker and my phone started ringing in the elevator. It never does that!! It was the agency. I was very confused and I said "You said that you would only call us if you had good news..." Well, they did have good news for us. A set of birthparents selected us for a match. I was in shock (still am!) and my head was spinning as I was trying so hard to write down everything that she was telling me. As much as I thought I was prepared and ready for getting the call, I wasn't.
We received all the forms on Thursday and started going over them. Friday we sent the forms back and I wired the match fees to the agency so it's official. The social workers are going to work at getting a meeting going with all of us. No one knows if it is a boy or a girl yet but the birthmom has an appointment on Tuesday. The baby is due at the end of July/beginning of August so thankfully we have a while to prepare ourselves.
I started feeling crappy on Thursday night when we were getting all the papers notarized for the match. I thought I was *that* nervous! Now I know that it was the stomach flu which is going around like wild fire. Thank goodness!!! I have been doing a bit of couch time yesterday and today but I'm feeling much better. I have to get back to my list of things to do!!
Wow, Jenn! Congrats on such great news and man, that was so fast. You and your husband must be over the moon.
Thanks Robyn! It's been a little overwhelming to say the least! When I was talking to the birthmom's social worker I told her that we still were in a bit of shock because we were only active for a week and a day. She had no idea! Thanks for stopping by!
No Way!!!!!!!! I so didn't expect to read that when I checked your blog this morning. I'm sooooo happy for you. May you have a very easy wait!
Thanks Kristi!! Yes - SURPRISE!
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