I have too much to do! That is what I keep telling myself anyway. I have too much to get done on my To-Do list before a baby comes!! I have been working hard at the spare bedroom. I can say that 40% of the magazines are gone and in the recycle bin.
The newest fabric that I bought for my upcoming projects is washed and dried. Since I am using different fabrics on each side, I thought it would not be good for one side to shrink up more than the other. Now they are pre-shrunk and ready to go! I need to finish Jon's slipcover project first. I'm half done and I told him I would have them finished the next time he sees us. I am going to get out my bin of extra fabric and see if I can use any of that in these projects too. The rocking chair needs some slipcovers, at least on the foot stool.
I have been doing well at keeping up with the journal that I purchased for Little Roo. It has been very helpful too look up specific dates for certain milestones. Bill ordered me a book from Amazon about creating adoption lifebooks and reading through that, it looks like I have a head start in that arena! The other book that came is "Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew" by Sherrie Eldridge.
An email showed up today from the NRDC about cloth diapers! How funny since I was writing about that yesterday!! If anyone wants it, I will forward it to you.
We're not even at the waiting part yet, and I'm already feeling so excited. I can only imagine how you must be feeling. My best friend used cloth diapers (Happy Heiny mostly) and she swears by them, so I think if it's something you feel strongly about, then go for it. DH and I are still researching that right now. Anyways, thanks for visiting my blog - I enjoy keeping up with your journey
Thanks Robyn! I'll have to check out the Happy Heiny diapers. I like to know that they work for real people!
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