It is so comfortable and moves effortlessly, we just might leave it in the kitchen! I've been sitting in it watching TV and Bill has been sitting in it to admire his aquarium.
We did receive the proof of our family profile after I called the agency and asked if they had seen it - they hadn't. They got on the case of the graphic company and we got it last night. It's funny that we had to supply around 30 photographs and the ones that they end up selecting to put in the profile (around 10) are not exactly the ones we would have selected ourselves! Our adoption specialist reviewed it and loved our text, no changes there. Suggested that we choose another photo for the front page because Bill wasn't exactly smiling. Well, first of all *WE* didn't select that picture for our first page! Then she was commented that we had two pictures where Bill was wearing the same shirt. Oh geez... fine. Luckily we have some new pictures from our cruise that we might be able to substitute instead. I'm going to have my brother review it when he is over tomorrow.
None of these things I think are a deal breaker but I got pretty upset about it. I don't know exactly why. Maybe because I had to pay these people $350 to put the profile together. All they did was put in the same template as all the other ones. Some of our captions they changed on their own accord. The strangest being our picture in front of the Everest ride in Animal Kingdom. My caption was "Fun at Animal Kingdom" and these people changed it to "Our Mountain Vacation". What??!! We have t-shirts on.... doesn't that seem strange? One of my wildcards was my dream job. I said "Make-Up Artist for Bare Escentuals". They changed it to "Make-Up Artist for Bare Essentials". Dudes... I'm not an idiot. I'm sure their spell checker found this, but it's not like I closely misspelled "essentials" but they changed it anyway.
I should not stress out about this.... this is such a trivial issue and easily changed to make it better. I'm annoyed that this is getting to me.
looks like Harley has a new spot.
would love to help out with the
Baby Bed.
see you both soon.
Gramie R.
of Biscut, Harley and future baby Roo.
Welcome Gramie-to-be! We might not get to use this as much as we hoped.... not until Harley lets us anyway! She doesn't budge from HER spot! I wonder if you and I should try making slipcovers for the chair and footstool. I don't want it to get dirty and not all the pads come off for washing.
slip covers sounds like a good idea to me. Maybe you could show me
how to use my showing machine, That has never been use. This would make Papa R. very happy.
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