First of all, if this is what I'm going to be doing while we are waiting for the phone call, I'm in some serious trouble!
I thought it would be fun to take pictures of the baby stuff that we have so far. Well, to be perfectly fair, it's not everything that we have collected so far, but this is the majority of it. We've always held on to books and toys that people have given us. I have a light up broccoli from Veggie Tales that lights up and sings a song when you hug him. Years ago, I purchased a play Tupperware set that looks just like "Mommy's". The spare bathroom also has a Tiger toy that you put bubble bath in and he blows bubbles. I think that was a present to me from one of my friends when I was in high school!!
Anyway, on with the show. As you know, I had a whole list of pictures that we needed for our family profile. One we took of our current guest room/future nursery. I'll post that one first.

This is my antique bed that my parents bought for me when I was 2 or 3 years old. Someday my own children will sleep in this bed. It is staying in the room. The bookshelf is going to be moved to make room for the crib. I also have a dresser in this room that I should clean out and put the baby clothes in. The room is already painted a soft blue and our "Under The Sea" crib bedding will be perfect in here. We are going to start working on this room this weekend.

I think Paula has been secretly buying baby items since the time we were married. Since we told everyone that we were starting our adoption journey right after Thanksgiving, here's some of the goodies that we got for Christmas from Bill's parents. Paula found this Vera Bradley diaper bag during one of her trips up to Indiana. I'm not so sure Bill is going to want to carry around a flowered bag, especially if we have a boy. We'll have to see how that works out! I love the pewter duck bowl.... I think it started the trend of all the clothes to come!

Here's the first two things that I bought at the beginning of the year. The Pooh sleeper comes with a matching blanket. I didn't think it was too "boyish" for a little girl to wear. I like blue and I'm a girl!! I'd love to have the matching onsies for the green striped outfit from Carter's. I saw them in Babies R' Us, but they are very expensive! The embroidery on the front (the duck of course) is just so cute. Both of these I picked up at Costco for a very good price! Everytime we go back, I'm looking through the pile for something else.

Karen surprised me with a big bag of baby stuff. She gave me all her Dr. Brown's bottles and then threw in a bunch of other stuff too. She is so sweet and thoughtful! If we get a boy, she'll have lots of stuff to hand down from her two boys! I have made a few trips to Babies R' Us to buy all new nipples, vents, and brushes for the bottles. That was fun to actually purchase something there! My previous trips have just been for looking.

I found all these clothes on clearance at Target. I stocked up!! As you can see, everything is still in the packages. I could probably talk myself into washing them in the baby detergent and putting them away in the dresser this weekend. Lots of chicks, ducks, animals, and Pooh. I love the blanket - it is so soft.

Here's the baby swing we tried so hard to find! The pets are more used to it now and pretty much ignore it completely. If I turn on the music, then Biscuit is very intriqued. She likes anything that makes noise and sings songs. My brother has gone to every Target he could find and he was very relieved to hear that it had shown up! He probably hasn't spent much time in the baby aisle up until now!
Our car seat and stroller haven't been delivered yet. Come on Mr. UPS Man!!