So, because we had a coupon from Target to get 10% off anything and because we had a $100 gift card that we got for buying my Dyson in the spring, we bought the big daddy car seat. This is NOT the seat that we will be taking with us. It's huge!! Britax Decathlon Convertible Car Seat - in Sahara (Taupe/Gray). I REALLY like the cowmooflage Marathon for my truck... Bill not so much. I mean how much more fun can a car seat get?? This tan and gray one is going in his car... snore! But he has an image to uphold and all his friends told him to not get a girly seat. This battle is far from over!
I did also pick up a travel bassinet to take with us. My only other thought was to buy a pack-n-play when we got there and then mail it back to myself when we were leaving to come back home. Holy smokes - those things weigh 30 pounds!! Good grief! So I found this hopefully handy little thing that folds up flat in the suitcase:
A Pogy Travel Bassinet (also on It folds like those sunshades that pop out for your windshield. Yep, this is going to be loads of fun! I always hit myself in the head with those. It has a little mattress on the bottom and mosquito netting that lays over the top. In that respect, it will be handy to use outdoors maybe? I just want somewhere for the baby to sleep without sleeping in her carseat, a stroller, or who knows where else. Great for little trips, naps and whatnot on the go. I found some other travel beds but the small height on the side really bothered me but this one is 18" deep. Sure, a really wiggly kid might tip it over and crawl right out when bigger, but I intend to use this on the floor and maybe barricaded with pillows. I have high hopes for this thing!! I really wish we could take our Amby bed with us, but that's not going to happen either.
I did pick up a few baby things over the weekend from the real Target store.... some white long-sleeved shirts, a few pairs of little pull-on pants, couple hats, tiny socks. It's all good fun! Then I thought the washer or dryer ate 2 of the tiny socks and I was soooo mad. Turns out they were hiding in some other clothes. I need to remember to put all those little things in a washable bag or I'm going to lose them for sure!!!
Hopefully I am able to chat some with H this week. I don't want to drive her away screaming. I'm sure this is a very difficult situation for her. I pray for H all the time. It's the only thing I can do besides be at her side, advocate for her, cheer her on, lend an ear when she needs one.
Amanda called today to see what's going on. She asked me what I was going to be for Halloween. I said "Hopefully a mom!!!!".
check out the Snuggle Nest also! I used it for the first month or so when he was really little and DH was afraid of rolling over on him. I think One Step Ahead makes their own version, also, and I think I remember it was a bit nicer.
I really liked that one, I did find it in my searching. It didn't fold up small enough to fit into the luggage we are taking on this trip. I will think about getting it for other trips down the road though... thank you!!
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