Friday, October 26, 2007

A Wee Bit of Magic Maybe??

H's social worker L called me while I was on the way home from work. She talked to H and wanted to let me know that she had checked in with her.

H said she is at 2cm and doesn't think that she will make it to her next OB appointment on Tuesday! Meaning she thinks she is close to going into labor! She has been getting the urge to be up and about, getting things moving. I'm glad that she is feeling better enough to be out doing things. I think she can use the distraction right now!

Here's hoping for a call soon!! Come on full moon!!!!

.•´¯`•._.•´¯`•._.•´¯`•. LABOR VIBES! .•´¯`•._.•´¯`•. _.•´¯`•.


Unknown said...

Sending you tons of Labor Vibes

Come on Little Roo!!

KRISTI said...

Sending CALL VIBES and Labor Vibes and come on out Little Roo!!!!