Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Packing Up!

I have been packing like a fool the last few days. I just have a feeling that I need to get it done. Whether or not my feeling means anything at all remains to be seen! I'm probably going to call H tonight or tomorrow and see how she is doing. About 2 weeks to go! Really the baby will be here within the next 3 weeks for sure. There is no way they will let her go too far past her due date since she is measuring at a good weight already.

So I've packed up all the goodies and gifts we are taking for H. I've been doing laundry and all the tiny clothes are packed up and ready to go. My parents popped in last weekend and brought a few sleepers with footies since we are traveling north and the weather will be much cooler than here. I have undershirts, socks, babylegs, hats, bibs, rompers, all the essentials. I also have a list going of everything we are going to buy there to get us settled in and I'm collecting coupons LOL! I have a red gatecheck bag for the car seat and someone gave me a great idea to pack blankets in the carseat to get it out of the luggage. Did that!!

I've also been gathering stuff for me.... and I packed up my toiletry bag. I'm keeping up on my laundry so I can pack and go when the great call arrives.

Now I have the age old question to answer that every baby-wearing mama asks herself..... WHICH baby carriers do I bring? How will I ever choose??! I will probably bring one of each: MT, Hotsling, stretchy wrap. I just don't know which patterns I want!! Such problems!


KRISTI said... know I'm going to chime in. I would bring your hotsling and stretchy wrap. Maybe you are better than I was but I couldn't get the hang of the MT until Eliana was older. My favorite when she was itty-bitty was the wrap.

kate said...

yahoo Jenn ;) So exciting :)