Friday, January 25, 2008

I was tagged....

I was tagged by Kristi. What a booger! :) Apparently it took her a week to leave me a comment that said she was tagging me, so I didn't even know about it!!! Way to follow the rules girl... :)

The rules are:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag at least three other people at the end of your post and link to their blogs.
5. Let each person know they been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the fun begin.

OK, here are my six non-important things about me...

1. I only eat vegetarian sushi. I hate fish... the smell, the texture, the taste, everything. That makes eating in sushi restaurants quite an adventure!

2. I will NEVER put any stickers (bumper stickers or the little stick family or the like) on my vehicles ever. I prefer to remain mysterious to strangers on the highway. If Meaghan brings home a sticker from school, it's not going on my car... sorry.

3. If I am working from home, I usually do not bother to get dressed until right before Bill comes home. Who is going to see me??? The flylady probably would say I'm a very bad girl.

4. I may not always have on "real" clothes, but I always have makeup on! I have only been out in public once in the last 5 years (at least) with a true bare face. I just can't walk around like that!

5. I dress very conservatively, but I go crazy over funky socks! Stripes, polka dots, animals, you name it.

6. I obsessively balance my checkbook every single day. Poor Bill gets yelled at if the day's receipts are not left in a specific location.

OK... so I'm tagging....

Linda because she hasn't been updating her blog... even worse than me!

Rachel because she is one fun mom to a cutie-patootie !

and last but certainly not least...

mom2themoose because I stalk her blog frequently for new adoption updates!


KRISTI said...

Actually, it took me a week to finally finish my post! I didn't change the date. I swear I tagged you right after I published it!

KRISTI said...

LOVE THEM!!!! I used to never go out w/out make-up but now that I have 2 kids, I frequently forget. It's ok, though because I found some excellent facial products and now am happy with my skin.

You are nice to get dressed for your husband. Don't tell mine because when he comes home, I'm in my PJs or comfy clothes.

Jenn said...

OK, I believe you and I posted a retraction! ;)

Jenn said...

Bare minimum I must have gloss and mascara on... no exceptions! They are in the diaper bag so in case I am crazy desperate, I will do a quick swipe before I get out of the car!

Otherwise I am a very pale face with 2 big eyes.... scary.

Jenn said...

"...because I found some excellent facial products..."

OK, you are going to have to spill it..... what is the magic gold you've found??

KRISTI said...

Paula's Choice! It rocks and I've tried everything!!