Monday, March 10, 2008

4 Month Stats!

Doctor's appointment this morning... despite a little cold and congestion, the little bug is healthy!

Weight: 14 pounds, 13 ounces
Length: 26 inches

So I did great at guessing..... on her weight I thought she was going to be over 15 pounds - she gets heavy! She has doubled from her birth weight! On her length, I was right on. She is 95% percentile on her length.... no wonder she can still wear her 0-3 clothes and they look perfectly normal as long as they aren't one piece! If it's a onesie, forget it because trying to snap it would take an eye out! All of her smaller size dresses and top/capris outfits still fit her great. She's still in size 1 shoes, so she's grown into her feet too!

And this is why I tell Bill that having a lot of clothes in all different sizes is an advantage. Now I just hope that she's in 6 month sizes for a long time because we have a lot of those - mostly dresses and 2 pieces so I think we are good!

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