Monday, November 24, 2008

More Teeth!

Meg has been Little Miss Cranky lately - all thanks to 2 more teeth coming in on top!!! One popped through on the top left 2 weekends ago, and the one on the right is coming through now. She has 8 teeth now - 2 on the bottom, 6 on top. We keep waiting for more on the bottom so she can "balance out". LOL! Everyone says "oh look at her two little teeth!" and I say "and there's 6 more on top that you can't see!". So don't stick your fingers in her mouth - yowie!

She has been doing great in her new class! She's taking naps on the cot instead of a crib and she's going down without a binky! Yippee!!! We had went cold turkey on all bottles the last time she had a stomach bug and couldn't have any dairy right before her birthday. We were going to work on the binky next. She only has one in her crib at night, I usually don't let her take it out of her room. Giving it up at night will be our next trick.

Meg is doing a lot more walking than crawling! In school, the teachers get her to walk to each new station or activity. At home, she walks to Biscuit, thinking she can grab on when she gets there and then the dog jumps out of the way at the last second. She gets mad about that! Meg has learned how to use her scooter and as Bill says, our furniture will never be the same. LOL! Her absolute favorite toy right now is the box that Bill brought all the sugar pie pumpkins home in. Crawl in and crawl out, put toys in and take toys out, push and pull the box around all day long. She just loves sitting in it! When it breaks, we are going to have a hard time finding another one as sturdy and then we'll have some real toddler 'tude on our hands!

Things are very busy around our house right now.... so if I don't post again in the next few days, I wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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