Monday, June 25, 2007

They Are Coming Back!

Bill and I resigned ourselves to the high likelyhood of driving north for the birth of Little Roo. We came up with a plan and felt like we were prepared.

D called Saturday night with exciting news! They are moving back here, possibly as soon as next weekend! The person that is living on the property they are buying here is supposedly closing on a new house on Wednesday. D was so excited and I could tell she was doing the dance of joy. She said they really needed to be back here for their sanity because things with the grandmother are getting more and more tense.

We are so excited for them as they have been praying for their own place for a long time. We are looking forward to spending more time with them before the baby comes. There is still much to talk about, including what we both envision our relationship to be once Little Roo is here. We need to talk about our expectations and also set the boundaries. I think good communication here is key. If one of us feels uncomfortable with something, we should be able to say it without the other getting upset or angry.

We don't have a crystal ball, we have no idea what is going to happen down the road. I think at this point, D and G do not want to be involved any more than the pictures and letters that have been agreed upon. She may not want to keep talking to me on the phone, as it may be too hard. We will give them the space they need. But as D and I have agreed on several times about a variety of issues, this is our plan so far and if it changes, so will we! Situations change, feelings change... it's all good!

Oh and no birth date yet.... but the doctor keeps telling D that the baby is doing "amazing". She is as healthy as she can be! Stay tuned!!

Bill says July 27th.
I say August 2nd.

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