Thursday, April 12, 2007

Oh Bummer!

I'm a little bummed. 'D' called me today and said that her boyfriend is taking her to the appointment next Tuesday. I'm not going. She had originally asked me to take her because she isn't driving and her boyfriend was out of town when we thought the appointment was this week. He's going to be back next week and she said "Now you don't have to worry about taking time off work, I've got it worked out with G."

So I'm a little disappointed, but she doesn't know that. I stayed very upbeat and I just said "Make sure you tell me how it goes!" I think she was concerned about inconveniencing me and my work schedule, although it's not a problem at all. It probably would have been a little strange that our first face-to-face meeting was at a doctor's appointment! She didn't think she'd be having an ultrasound either so I probably wouldn't have been doing anything but staying AWAY from the business end if you know what I mean!

D said she tried making photocopies of all the sonogram pictures since she wants me to have those for the baby book, but she is having problems because they are coming out dark. Perhaps she will trust me enough to scan them and return them to her. Before we hung up, I asked her if she and G have considered getting together with us for a casual dinner some time and she said that sounded great. She is going to talk to G and call me tomorrow.

If anything, this is a good point for me to remember not to get too emotionally invested during this whole process. This is part of the up's and down's of the adoption journey. D can change her mind at any point. I need to remember that. Hope for the best, prepare myself for the worst.

Anyway.... enough of my boo-hoo's..... I talked to Brock the other night. He updated us that their dossier is in China and they hope that they will be updated with their LID (logged in date) soon. They only get a status once a month so they are patiently waiting. I would be a complete wreck!!! Hope they get good news soon!

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