Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Some News!

Little Roo's birth date is narrowed down to August 8th, 9th, 10th, or 13th.

Her doctor is going to let her go as close to her due date as possible. Of course, if she goes into labor earlier, that's all out the window but we'll take it! I just got off the phone with D and she said that when she is at the doctor's office and they are discussing specific times, she will call me so I can give my input. What?? LOL! I said, please don't worry about us, we will be there regardless of day or time!

Their car is completely broken down and in the shop. Transmission issues. It's one thing after another for them. D said it just really affirms to them that they are doing the right thing with the adoption. I wonder if we will have to take them to the hospital on the day of the c-section! I do know what hospital now, so we're all good there!

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