Friday, November 9, 2007

Officially Ours!

Meaghan is ours! The revocation period ended at 2:40pm today. I've talked to H and she is doing really well.... at this point, we are trying to make a plan when we are going to meet up this weekend. It's very important that we get together with her again before we go. Everyone would be sad if we missed this last opportunity. We actually got the call this afternoon that we are free to go home. Both states have approved our ICPC packet. It's a very strange feeling to know we will be sleeping in our own beds again soon in warm Florida! Once we get home, real life begins again. This has been an unique opportunity to bond with our daughter with no other distractions.

Meaghan had a peds appointment this morning and she got a clean bill of health! She regained back to her birth weight and then some. She's gained 6 ounces since Monday!! She's now up to 7 pounds, 9 ounces. Yep - we have been up feeding her at night!! It's been fine... we try to feed her late, around midnight or so. Then she only gets up once to eat and then she is up around 7 am again. It's working out well and honestly, there is nothing else I'd rather be doing at 3am than feeding our little munchkin!


KRISTI said...

I'm so happy for you. Give H an extra long hug and remember as hard as it is when you leave, that she chose you.

Jenn said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for all 3 of you!!!

Have a safe trip home. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Jenn, I am so happy for you. Congratulations!!!!